Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Block Party for Jesus!

We encourage you to read the following story from missionaries on the field that explains how God used a small church in Mexico to open doors for the Gospel.

"Iglesia Bautista Betuel has a vision to begin cell groups throughout the colonia of La Gloria. Their prayer is that cell groups will reach out to this lower economic area and provide hope to those living there through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Because this was an indigenous project, the national church assumed all responsibility.

As the church began to plan how to begin their follow-up for the saturation project, they decided an afternoon and early evening block party would be helpful. They wanted the neighborhood to know who they were and meet them personally.

We often joke about the number of dogs versus people in Mexico, but we truly believe that in the colonia of La Gloria the dogs are the majority; most of which run free. With this in mind, a veterinarian (who is a member of the church) decided he would donate his services and the medicine to vaccinate dogs and cats living in the community. His objective was to open doors and help build relationships.

When the Gospels were distributed, an invitation was included for residents to bring their pets to the cancha where we held the evening activities. Additionally, two cosmetologists donated their services to provide free haircuts, and we planned an evening movie.

Unsure of what to expect, the church members waited anxiously for the festivities to begin, but they had nothing to fear. The owners of sixty dogs and cats arrived at the cancha with their pets to have them vaccinated. We collected contact information from each owner. Besides vaccinations, the cosmetologists gave countless haircuts. At the end of the evening, the people of the community were in awe that the little church they never knew existed wanted to help them in so many ways, with no strings attached. For those who questioned why the church would do this, we told them, "Because Jesus loves you and we want you to know we love you too."

  • Please pray that the work of Iglesia Bautista Betuel will lead to new cell groups.

  • Pray that the nationals who accepted the Gospel will understand the Word and reach out to Him.

  • Pray God's message will spread to the entire area of colonia of La Gloria so the residents can learn about the One who will give them eternal life.

If you feel God leading you to join the work in the American Peoples Affinity, please contact us at the address listed below.

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