Saturday, January 17, 2009


"Who would ever have thought that God could use a small church from southeast Texas to impact an unreached people group? With man this is not possible, but with God all things are possible," wrote Chuck Beem, Discipleship and Missions Pastor, First Baptist Church, Brazoria, Texas."

A volunteer team from FBC Brazoria hosted a dental clinic for the Iglesia Bautista Camino Real Church, pastored by Brother Felix, in Central Mexico. While waiting for dental care, the team formed relationships and shared the Gospel for three days. The clinic was a wonderful success with multiple professions of faith and follow-ups for the pastor and church.

One of the highlights of the trip was when the team met Benito and Margarita. This couple moved to the mountain village of Agua Puerca for the express purpose of living among the approximately 5,500 Pame Indians who speak the Pame language – a language that has begun to disappear. The group is illiterate, very poor, and they have no complete Bible in their language. Benito and Margarita are trying to befriend the Pame and bring the light of Jesus Christ into their isolated world.

FBC Brazoria is praying and asking for direction from the Lord about another possible trip next summer to work among the Pame. They are considering the combination of VBS, a dental, medical and sports clinic. The team would consist of adults and students.

  • Pray for Benito and Margarita as they labor among the Pame Indians.
  • Pray for the new believers that resulted from the dental clinic efforts.
  • Remember FBC Brazoria as they meditate on the possibility of future work in the village of Agua Puerca.

Would you consider sharing your love for Jesus with those who have never heard? Contact us at the addresses above and we will help you begin a spiritual awakening like none other you have ever experienced.