Friday, April 24, 2009

Photographs and Volunteers Build Relationships in Mexico

Can God use 12 people in the short span of five days to reach hundreds of homes to share the Gospel? Yes! The First Baptist Church of Mt. Juliet, TN, flew to El Paso, rented a van, and traveled to Ciudad Juarez where they worked with missionaries to do door-to-door evangelism and delivered invitations to family life conferences.

The volunteers teamed with members of Communities of Hope: A Baptist Cell Church. They prayerwalked, testified and supported family life conferences held in parks in the same communities where the church wanted to begin new house churches and cells. Results were phenomenal. The Mt. Juliet team opened the way for Communities of Hope to move into two huge housing areas, and a follow-up team from Ridgemont Baptist Church, Abilene, TX opened even more doors. As a result, two new, large house churches have begun in Paraje San José and Finca Bonita.

Besides going door-to-door, the resident missionaries, Larry and Peggy (Churches Without Borders Team), have a unique way to connect with the families. The missionaries set up a tent and photographed as many families as possible. One hundred-forty families received free family portraits. What a terrific way to build relationships!

The team members commented on how receptive the families were to their visits. This did not surprise them as they had prayed for the Holy Spirit to prepare hearts to receive the volunteers.

How about you, have you ever thought of taking a short-term mission trip but just keep putting it off? Are you a Southern Baptist church that senses God leading you to get involved in missions, but have other agendas you think are more important? Begin with intense prayer and, if you still feel God guiding you to help our missionaries, we invite you to bring a team to the MAC region. It will change the lives of your members forever! God can use you and so can we.

Contact us at the information above and we will help to get you started on an amazing journey. For more information about ministry in Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, check out the team's web page:

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