Friday, August 22, 2008

Dominica Team Helps to Further God’s Kingdom!

Matthew John Baptist is a Dominica national who knew about the Bible, and could quote scripture, but had not made the decision to ask Jesus into his heart. When students from Georgia met Matthew John Baptist this summer while on a mission trip to Dominica, they talked at length with him about his salvation. Although he still did not want to make a commitment to Jesus, he asked the team if they would present the gospel to his friends. Delighted to accept the invitation, the team added another Bible study to their schedule and began to pray for this young man.

Friday evening not one of the friends attended the Bible study. However, Matthew John Baptist showed and God used this opportunity for His glory! Mathew accepted Jesus into his heart and now he is more anxious than ever for his friends to hear the

Good News and how the Father has the perfect plan for their lives.

The Lord used this team in a mighty way and He can use YOU!

For other volunteer opportunities contact:
The MAC Region at

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